Business Options

What's Included
- PVN Welcome
- Complimentary attendance to PBA Meetings
- Business Spotlight/Welcome on PBA Social Media
- Business Welcome on PCA Facebook page
- Name & Phone Number on PCA Website

What's Included
- Everything from "Bronze" and then...
- Name, address, phone number & PBA preferred checkmark on PCA website
- 10% discount on ads in the PVN and online ads.
- Signage at one event (member's choice) of either Xmas Lighting or Heritage Days

What's Included
- Everything from "Silver" and then...
- Business description, logo, web address, and social links in the business directory
- PVN Spotlight Article
- Signage with logo at Xmas Lighting and Heritage Days
- 15% discount on ads in the PVN and online ads.
Individual Options

What's Included
- Monthly distribution of The Parrish Village News
- Contribution to the free community events that are provided to the community twice a year
- Contribution to costs of meeting rooms and supplies for monthly meetings for the public and board meetings
- The ability to reach out to the Parrish Civic Association board with concerns or questions that may need to be researched, presented to other residents and/or to the Board of County Commissioners
- Advocacy by the Parrish Civic Association for the needs and wants of the community majority for beautification, updates and amenities to the Parrish area
Parrish Village News

What's Included
Get the Parrish Village News by simply subscribing here. You get 12 issues of the PVN for only $36 dollars per year, that is only $3.00 per issue!