Parrish Civic Association, Inc.

"Become a Member - Be the Voice"

Committee Volunteer Opportunities

Membership Committee

The purpose of this committee is to grow individual Parrish Civic Association memberships, to welcome new people to the community and provide information about the benefits of being involved with the PCA.

Task List:
  1. Speak with developers in new developments to get our flyer added to their welcome packets.
  2. Host membership drives to increase membership.
  3. Attend events where people may be to pass out information about joining.
  4. Develop monthly contests to the community for likes to PCA, engagement, etc. (will have gift cards or prizes for these contests and engagement opportunities)
  5. Develop a membership flyer to pass out.
  6. Reach out to HOAs to see if we can post in their community centers, at their meetings, etc.
  7. Work with the business membership committee to coordinate events or projects as appropriate.
  8. Look into options of how we can do automatic billing for membership dues and notices out to members as needed.
  9. Report to the board on a monthly basis with updates, concerns, questions.

Business Membership Committee

The purpose of this committee is to grow the Parrish Business Association memberships, to welcome new businesses into the community and provide information about the benefits of being involved with the PCA.

Task List:
  1. Put together a list of all the current businesses and add to it as new businesses come into the community.
  2. Host meet and greets to increase membership. And other events as appropriate.
  3. Host training, education, leadership events to help businesses grow.
  4. Develop pricing for advertising packages (think paper and social media and website)
  5. Develop a membership flyer to pass out with different levels for membership and what benefits are provided for each level.
  6. Reach out to new businesses as do a welcome to the community, ribbon cutting type event.
  7. Work with the individual membership committee to coordinate events or projects as appropriate.
  8. Report to the board on a monthly basis with updates, concerns, questions.

County Liaison Committee

The purpose of this committee is to attend board meetings (or watch them on YouTube after the meeting), outreach to commissioners as needed, and speak at board meetings to express opinions of PCA on various topics.

Task List:
  1. Attend weekly board meetings, planning meetings and/or workshops to provide PCA presence.
  2. Speak at appropriate comment times during meetings to express PCA board positions on various issues.
  3. Contact with District 1 (James Satcher) commissioner about needs for the community as well as with At Large commissioners (George Kruse, Carol Whitmore).
  4. Keep notes on issues that came in front of the board for vote that effect Parrish and notes on upcoming issues that the community may be concerned about to provide to Parrish Village News each month for the County Corner segment.
  5. Provide an outreach access for any members of the public who have concerns or positions on different matters to report to the PCA board for consideration.
  6. Report to the board on a monthly basis with updates, concerns, questions.

Sponsorship Committee

The purpose of this committee is to formulate plans to outreach to local businesses and organizations to secure sponsorships for the Heritage Days and Christmas Events hosted by the PCA every year.

Task List:
  1. Determine of other events should be planned throughout the year.
  2. Evaluate needs for fundraising events to raise money for PCA.
  3. Prepare flyers and packets to give to businesses interested in sponsoring events.
  4. Compile lists of previous sponsors for outreach and new list of possible sponsor options.
  5. Send out thank you letters to sponsors after each event.
  6. Form sub committees for the Heritage Day Event and Xmas Lighting Event to get the events together and ready to go. This will include working within an assigned budget provided by the PCA board for each event to secure activities, vendors, food, volunteers, etc.
  7. Report to the board on a monthly basis with updates, concerns, questions.

Beautification Committee

The purpose of this committee is to formulate plans to outreach to local businesses and organizations to secure sponsorships for the Heritage Days and Christmas Events hosted by the PCA every year.

Task List:
  1. Talk to schools about Key Club members, etc, that need volunteer hours.
  2. Formulate a document that community members can request a job be done or nominate someone they feel needs a job.
  3. Look into grant opportunities at state/federal level.
  4. Reach out to local businesses (ie Lowes, THD, Ace) for donations of supplies such as paint, mulch, roofing stuff, etc). Also reach out to local tradesmen such as electricians, plumbers, painters, A/C, etc to see if they are willing to donate time or services.
  5. Report to the board on a monthly basis with updates, concerns, questions.
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